November St. George, Utah Weather and Temperature Information

During the last month of autumn, you might want to enjoy doing various activities and go to various wonderful places in St. George, Utah. Because of the mild winter in the area, you will still be able to enjoy a warmer autumn, even though winter is just a month away and snow is beginning to fall.

Because of the low elevation of St. George, the people from the area are able to do more during early winter. This makes it possible for residents and tourists to enjoy the view and the spirit of the place, without encountering any troubles regarding the climate.

Even though November is the start of the rainy season, (what little rain there is in the Southern Utah desert) there will be no major changes to the activities that are being held at the city because the rainfall level is not significant. Thus, people will still be able to take pleasure in the fun, outdoor (and indoor), activities and the stunning view from the mountains that surround St. George.

November Temperature in St. George, Utah

  • Average high temperature: 64.6 degrees Fahrenheit; 18.1 degrees Celsius
  • Median low temperature: 33.1 F; .61 C
  • Average rain: .70 inches; 177.8 cm
  • Average snow: 0.1 inches; 0.254 cm

Rainy Day and Early Winter Activities

  • Jubilee of Trees

If you are looking for an inspiration for your Christmas tree for next month, you can look at the new and unique designs of Christmas trees that are being showcased every month of November.

  • Tuacahn’s Festival of Light

You will surely forget the gloomy feeling that sunless early winter days would bring because of the sparkling light festival every November. The festival starts at Thanksgiving Day up to New Year’s.