Yep, the St. George Tabernacle is where Mormon tithing started.

Shortly after their arrival in the harsh St. George desert, settlers began work on what was to become an elegant tabernacle.  The St. George Tabernacle was built under the leadership of Brigham Young who said he wanted a “commodius well-furnished meetinghouse, one large enough to comfortably seat at least 2,000 persons, and that will not only be useful, but also an ornament to your city.”  The cornerstone was placed on Brigham Young’s Birthday, June 1, 1863.

The most famous event to occur in the LDS Tabernacle happened in 1899.  LDS President Lorenzo Snow spoke at the Tabernacle.  In his talk,  he declared that “the time has now come for every Latter-day Saint who calculates to be prepared for the future and to hold his feet strong upon a proper foundation, to do the will of the Lord and to pay his tithing in full. That is the word of the Lord to you, and it will be the word of the Lord to every settlement throughout the land of Zion.”

The red sandstone walls and graceful interior plaster and woodwork illustrate the pride and dedication of the founders of Utah’s Dixie.  The Tabernacle is called the “Jewel of the desert” by older St. George locals.

The Tabernacle was constructed from local hand-hewn, red sandstone bricks locally quarried.  The London England built tower clock added a level of prestige to the community. It allowed the Saints to signal various events, such as when Church began, when Church ended, and the start and end of community gatherings; and to signal dignitaries coming to the community.

After the balcony was completed and in place, Brigham Young visited the Tabernacle and noticed that people sitting in the balcony were so high that they could not see the pulpit. President Young directed the building superintendent, Miles Romney, to cut off the various posts holding up the balcony to allow those sitting in the balcony to see the pulpit.

The Southern Heritage Choir and others often have musical performances in the Tabernacle that are open to the public.

18 South Main Street
St. George, UT 84770
(435) 628-4072

St. George Tabernacle Hours:  9am- 6pm in April to September; 9am-5pm in October to March.


Historic St. George Mormon Tabernacle| LDS Tabernacle in St. George, Utah