Having difficulties getting your baggage to the right weight for your airline travel? Need a few ways to save both money, time, and space? Here are few tips to help with every vacation:
The bulk of any suitcase is the clothes. Instead of packing items, pack outfits, taking exactly the amount and types you need with only one or two outliers. Then, if you want to mix and match, make sure to keep your colors neutral, so you can always look great! Try this to save room, and if you still find yourself wanting, never forget washing your laundry is always an option, too.
Make sure you have that one pair that goes great with your clothes and is durable. This will be your key pair of shoes that will allow you to cut down on how many pairs you have to bring with you.
Always check the weather! If there is a surprise, you can always buy supplies at your destination.
Photo Credit: ashley tarr on flickr
Jewelry and Other Valuables
Not only is taking valuable jewelry with you dangerous, it can also take up much needed space in your suitcase. Instead of just packing some jewelry in your suitcase, try to decide when and where you will need jewelry on your trip. Then, decide which outfits will be used and choose a single piece that matches well with your choices. Keep this piece with you on the plane ride as well as throughout your location to maintain its safety.
Gadgets and Technology
Really think about what you will need on your trip, and only pack the necessities. Gadgets you won’t need are just going to take up space you could use for something more important. Once you have the gadgets you will need, make sure to take into account and batteries or chargers you may need for them as well.
Beauty and Hygiene
Neutral make-up is key for this tip. A great, natural look can go great with any outfit, and you can always pick up a show-stopper at the local make-up store. Any other beauty products can be reduced to travel size bottles, and as long as you’re lean in choosing your products, the smaller bottles will save tons of space.
Now that you have your tips and your desire to travel, it is time to pick your destinations and start packing like the space-saver you were meant to be!